We perform all tests either at your home/hotel or at your local gym.


Vo2 Max Testing

Vo2 Max is one of the best biomarkers available to see how long you will live and the condition of your cardiovascular system. Our equipment measures the volume of oxygen (the V.O. in VO2 Max) used as you exercise. You will receive several biomarkers during the 15-20 minute test including cardiovascular endurance (VO2 Max), Customized Heart Rate Zones (zones 1-5), and ventilatory thresholds so you can see where your body switches from burning carbs to burning fat. Customized heart rate zones can be plugged into your smart watch so you have more optimized training.

Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) Test

This 10 minute lying down and relaxing test measures your metabolism. You’ll learn how many calories you burn at rest (basal metabolic rate) which is used when creating a diet plan or measuring your metabolism over time.